Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Worthless potting soil

I was discouraged over the progress of my plants. My tobacco shoots came up the two times I planted but just stopped and did not continue growing until they finally just wilted away. Three of my Goji berry plants are growing but not very well.

But I discovered my problem. Isn't the Internet great? I was surfing and came upon this article that says most potting soil that you buy is worthless. Here I was thinking potting soil (soil you buy to put in a pot to grow things) would have the ingredients to grow plants, but apparently not.

Especially since I am growing from seed my plants have no beneficial bacteria to help them get the few nutrients there are from the soil. I believe I read somewhere that tobacco in particular needs nutrient rich soil.

because everyone forgets that they mixed the soil from a potted plant with the potting mix when they transplanted. Since the plant's soil contains microorganisms, gardeners are "innoculating" the potting mix with beneficial microorganisms.
I don't want to have a sterile, chemical fertilizer induced growth, as the resultant fruit probably would not be as nutritious as possible. I want to try the recipe for bug juice, but I have to find a source of fish meal.


Anonymous said...


I've been growing some Gojis from seeds for about a year now. I couldn't do anything with the ones I started indoors they always died but the ones I started outside and then moved inside at the end of the summer were much healthier. I just used a regular ol' potting soil and a plain jane sea weed fertilizer. You have to go out of your way to make sure you have Goji seeds as opposed to Wolfberry seeds I don't know if the growing properties are different but the true Gojis are supposed to be a sweeter and healthier fruit. If you are not sure about yours I could send you some. Have a great day, hope that was helpful. Oh and they'll do best with at least 8 hours of sunlight.

Anonymous said...

Would you be willing to send me some of your seeds? I am a backyard gardener looking into these plants. My g'baby eats all my strawberries (I have 6 plants now) as soon as they ripen and I'd love to have these to add to her menu choice. Especially if they are as healthful as claimed. She's only 16 months right now so I figure she's not gonna outgrow 'helping g'ma' before they bear for the first time.

Please contact me at danicarutledge@yahoo.com if you'd be willing to share your seeds.
